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Yes, my original question did focus on the Expense Entry screen. I would like to suggest that the reference field be added to that screen. It will be used daily by our firm.
Cynthia M. (Cindy) Ogle
Business Manager/Internal Accountant
Kendricks Bordeau P.C.
128 West Spring Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: (906) 226-2543
Fax: (906) 226-2819 Houghton County Office: (906) 482-4288
**Summer Hours** Our office observes summer office hours June 2 through September 1, 2023. During this time, the office will be open to the public as follows:
Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm
Regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm) will resume September 8, 2023.
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In the "Reference" area on the Payments and Credit screen, we place the invoice number. We would like to be able to place the check number we received from the client there on that screen as well.
In the Refund or Void window we would like to be able to place the number of the check we are issuing to the client. Again, we place the invoice number in the reference area of that screen.
Thank you,
Cynthia M. (Cindy) Ogle
Business Manager/Internal Accountant
Kendricks Bordeau P.C.
128 West Spring Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: (906) 226-2543
Fax: (906) 226-2819 Houghton County Office: (906) 482-4288
**Summer Hours** Our office observes summer office hours June 2 through September 1, 2023. During this time, the office will be open to the public as follows:
Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm
Regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm) will resume September 8, 2023.
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Thank you for your suggestion. Is this the check number for the payment that you collected from your client or the payment that you made against this expense to the vendor?
Thank you for your response.
Yes, my original question did focus on the Expense Entry screen. I would like to suggest that the reference field be added to that screen. It will be used daily by our firm.
Cynthia M. (Cindy) Ogle
Business Manager/Internal Accountant
Kendricks Bordeau P.C.
128 West Spring Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: (906) 226-2543
Fax: (906) 226-2819
Houghton County Office: (906) 482-4288
**Summer Hours** Our office observes summer office hours June 2 through September 1, 2023. During this time, the office will be open to the public as follows:
Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm
Regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm) will resume September 8, 2023.
This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Review, use, distribution, or disclosure by anyone not an intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender.
Thanks, Cynthia. The Reference field is usually used to record the check number. The invoice allocations are tracked separately by the system.

If you still want to record the invoice number, you can do it in the Notes field.
For Refunds, you already have a reference field that you can use to track the check number against which the refund was issued to the customer:
It seems like your original suggestion was related to Expense Entry screen but the clarification focused more on payments and refunds.
In the "Reference" area on the Payments and Credit screen, we place the invoice number. We would like to be able to place the check number we received from the client there on that screen as well.
In the Refund or Void window we would like to be able to place the number of the check we are issuing to the client. Again, we place the invoice number in the reference area of that screen.
Thank you,
Cynthia M. (Cindy) Ogle
Business Manager/Internal Accountant
Kendricks Bordeau P.C.
128 West Spring Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: (906) 226-2543
Fax: (906) 226-2819
Houghton County Office: (906) 482-4288
**Summer Hours** Our office observes summer office hours June 2 through September 1, 2023. During this time, the office will be open to the public as follows:
Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm
Regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm) will resume September 8, 2023.
This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Review, use, distribution, or disclosure by anyone not an intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender.
Thank you for your suggestion. Is this the check number for the payment that you collected from your client or the payment that you made against this expense to the vendor?