Feature Requests

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  • All suggestions are welcomed, and we appreciate your inputs to improve TimeSolv.
  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
  • Submitting a request to this portal does not guarantee that it will be implemented. For unique business needs, TimeSolv offers a paid fast-track option.

Ability to Create Recurring Discounts for Time Charges Only

TimeSolv currently has the ability to set up adjustments and discounts.  However, if I use the discount feature within a Matter record, it covers both time and expenses.   There needs to be an additional field next to the Discount field with options for Time Only, Expense Only or Time & Expense.  The alternative is to generate a Draft Invoice and then adjust amounts there.  This is time consuming and only applies to the current invoice so that it must be done again in the next billing cycle.

  • Dana Riel
  • Oct 22 2019
  • Planned
How often would you use this request?

Every billing cycle.

  • Attach files
  • Dana Riel commented
    22 Oct, 2019 01:41pm

    Either by setting up a discount at the matter level for individual matters; or by editing a consolidated invoice and individually editing each total.