Feature Requests

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When a timer is active, the Chrome Tab has a visual icon to help a timekeeper remember a timer is going.

It is easy to forget you have a timer running, so any way to highlight that a timer is active is ideal. Our firm has so many web-based programs that each require a tab to be opened in Chrome. This can clutter the web browser and make it easy to overlook TimeSolv's tab. It would be very helpful to see a red dot or some other type of visual indicator within the tab for TimeSolv when a timer is active to help remind our timekeepers it is active and needs their attention. Making the tab flash would also be a good visual.

  • Jessica Alm
  • Nov 28 2022
  • Shipped
How often would you use this request?

This function would get used constantly during time entry.

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    • Admin
      Shoaib Mehmood commented
      June 13, 2024 12:29

      The elapsed time for the running timer now appears in the browser tab.

    • Jessica Alm commented
      January 24, 2023 17:39

      I have attached a visual example of what I mean. It would be great if a red dot appeared when the timer is active or the tab flashes. Something visual since timekeepers tend to be working in other programs while the timer is running and it helps to remind them to circle back and shut that timer off before moving on to a new project.