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BUG: Save & Duplicate on Time Entry forces a rate change

When entering time via Time Entry, if you use Save and Duplicate, the duplicated entry's rate changes because the Total Amount freezes at the original amount. TimeSolve changes the billing rate so that the equation works. Major error in time entry

  • Guest
  • Jun 8 2021
How often would you use this request?

ALWAY, this can cause huge billing issues if not caught.

  • Attach files
  • Gigi Vita commented
    25 Jun, 2021 02:36pm

    This isn't a bug, but a setting that you can manage at Time, Settings. The 5th field from the bottom is "Allow Total Amount Entry?" If that is checked, the behavior you described will occur. If you uncheck it and click Save, your rates should remain as assigned. Here is our KB information about it.

    Time Entry Settings:

    Allow Total Amount Entry - three fields will be shown on time entry screen - the number of hours, the rate, and the total amount (the calculation of the first two). For example, the user's rate is $100 an hour, and the user enters in 0.5 in hours field, which will show a total amount of $50. This total amount of $50 will appear in a third field, open to adjustments by the user. E.g., instead of specifying charging hours, the user charges a set amount of $300, and the system will record this as three hours charged at $100 an hour.