Feature Requests

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Clients organized by date added

We would like to know how many new clients we added this week, this month or this year, but I don't see a way to organize or pull a report for clients by date or even organize the clients by date.

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2020
How often would you use this request?

daily, weekly

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Feb, 2020 10:10pm

    Please go to Account, Import/Export, Export Excel,  export the Matter table, and save it in a convenient location.  Please open it with Excel, and if you go to Column M, you'll be able to sort or filter by the matter start dates. 


    Or you could run the Clients and Matters report (Report Type=Client Matter) to a Report Output Format of CSV.  This will give you a comma-separated values file that you can then open in Excel.  You will see the matter start dates in Column N in this file.  


    I hope this has been helpful.