Feature Requests

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Fees and Expense Totals

Add a feature that shows the amount of BILLED fees and expenses within the matter. In addition, add a feature that shows the WIP fees and expenses within the matter. Oftentimes, clients require an update on billed fees and expenses as well as an estimate of WIP fees and expenses. Currently, I have to individually click on each invoice to see the totals.

  • Guest
  • Nov 21 2023
How often would you use this request?

Every single day.

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  • Joe Freeland commented
    27 Feb 22:03

    We have clients that specifically require a summary of total billed fees and expenses since inception of the account. Timeslips easily generated this report on the invoice. TimeSolv has the date - I can see it on budget reports. It should not be that difficult to add it as an option for an invoice.