Feature Requests

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  • All suggestions are welcomed, and we appreciate your inputs to improve TimeSolv.
  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
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Highlight search box automatically when choosing client/matter or any other search box

If you did a previous search in Clients & Matters, that search entry remains when you go back to that screen. You then have to either highlight the previous search or erase it before entering another search. (If there was no previous search, then the cursor is blinking waiting for you to type.) It would be helpful whenever you go to the Clients & Matters screen for search to be automatically highlighted ready for typing rather than having to go to your mouse, highlight the old search term and then start typing.

  • Gary Redenbacher
  • May 16 2023
How often would you use this request?

Daily multiple times

  • Attach files