Feature Requests

Submit your suggestions and upvote existing ideas.

  • All suggestions are welcomed, and we appreciate your inputs to improve TimeSolv.
  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
  • Submitting a request to this portal does not guarantee that it will be implemented. For unique business needs, TimeSolv offers a paid fast-track option.

Activate Service billing (as shown in invoice settings) to allow for input of quantity and rate billing which is not an expense.

Better fit than time billing for SaaS type services and publications.

  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2023
How often would you use this request?

More than 50% of our billing now and over 80% in the next few years.

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  • Connie Wightman commented
    26 Jan, 2023 05:02pm

    Please contact Connie Wightman <cwightman@inteserra.com> with estimate as soon as possible.