Feature Requests

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  • All suggestions are welcomed, and we appreciate your inputs to improve TimeSolv.
  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
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Unique ID numbers on billing entries

Please allow each billing entry (and A/R transaction entries) be identifiable by a unique ID number that we can filter and search by. I am sure it is internally in the coding, but having it viewable for all users to also filter and search by will have huge returns in user-functionality.

For our firm specifically, it would resolve two problems: (1) if I identify an entry with an error, then my attorneys can easily go search the ID number to fix said error, and (2) all of our attorneys prefer to view their billing in sequential order of entry, not alpha by client/matter. The convince of being able to tell someone to "please review entry #123456 for accuracy" and then the person can search 123456 to pull up exactly what I am looking at is really the most efficient practice and is far better than having to send screenshots and have the other person then try to search for the specific entry. Entering/correcting billing is not a billable task, so anything to cut down on admin time is ideal.

  • Jessica Alm
  • Nov 2 2022
How often would you use this request?

Multiple times an hour and by our entire firm. We are coming from a billing system that had this feature and we are finding it is the thing that is missed the most.

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