Feature Requests

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  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
  • Submitting a request to this portal does not guarantee that it will be implemented. For unique business needs, TimeSolv offers a paid fast-track option.

More Dynamic Analytics & Dashboard

I would love the opportunity rather than running reports to be able to run more customized and dynamic widgets in the Analytics and Dashboard portals.

  1. On the analytics page, you cannot chose the entire company, it would be nice to be able to select all company and have the widgets adjust to reflect the entire company results for a quick view.

  2. On the analytics page, it would be good to have a feature that compares to a previous period in time (either select custom dates, or same period over time, previous week, previous month...etc). Basically an easy way to show change over time quickly.

  3. On analytics page - ability to add custom widgets, remove and replace widgets easily. If you delete one now, they disappear for the entire team. Also - no easy way to get that widget back. This should be customizable by team member and if you make an adjustment from an admin level it should be optional to reflect on the entire team. For instance, if I want the regular timekeepers to see 3 measurables I should be able to designate those team members to have that view; but if I want the project managers to see another view, I should be able to customize that.

  4. The Dashboard just needs more work - I think maybe consolidating dashboard and Analytics is a good move and just having it based on permission use. Only certain people can see certain measurables and analytics determined by the admin for the company.

  • Michael Husted
  • Jul 7 2021
  • Shipped
How often would you use this request?

Daily - very important for us as we're tracking billable hours, non-billables and we like to have corrective measures ready to go if we see an anomoly - running PDF reports is cumbersome and having a real time widget would help tremedously.

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  • Admin
    Shoaib Mehmood commented
    21 Apr, 2023 06:30pm

    Thanks for the valuable feedback. We are working on fixing the reported issues.

  • Michael Husted commented
    17 Apr, 2023 08:27pm

    Hello - similar items as mentioned below.

    1. Financial Dashboard

      1. Generally speaking -

        1. Would be nice to have a date range option that is YTD. Instead you have to manually select the dates and if you forget it compares this year YTD to last year entire year.

        2. Could you add a WIP widget next to AR

      2. Financial Dashboard

        1. Top timekeeper data is screwed up. Showing timekeepers that haven't worked for our company in ages, and also the top timekeeper data (when broken down by Accounts Receivable) is completely inaccurate generally speaking.

        2. I am not certain about "Worked, Billed, Collected" items but those seem to be accurate.

        3. One thing to consider is if you set the criteria at the top (date criteria) then all of the charts below should only pull data from that period. The issue I am seeing, particularly in Accounts Receivable Top Timekeeper is that it's showing people who are not active employees and did not have nearly the top billable performance.

    2. Staff Dashboard

      1. I still feel like the data that is being pulled here is off. I can't put my finger on it yet, but i'll do some more research.

      2. I feel like the utilization rate is off - again I don't know specifics but seems like the rates don't match. I guess I don't understand where the available hours come from (where is that set?) and the formula seems it could be simplified with (8 hours per day available for date range/total of hours worked during same date range). Would have to make sure 40 hours per week (5 days per week) rather than measuring 7 days per week x 8 hours each day.

  • Happy Rodes commented
    17 Apr, 2023 02:49pm

    Good morning.

    In reviewing the new information in the Dashboard, I am finding that the information is not generating correctly. For instance, when looking at the Top Timekeeper Data, it is showing the top 5 timekeepers as the Bottom 5 and the last 5 timekeepers as the Top 5. I haven���t yet checked on the other information.


    Thank you for your review of this.


    Happy Rodes, Billing Administrator
    GaffneyLewis llc
    3700 Forest Drive, Suite 400
    Columbia, South Carolina 29204
    t: 803.790.8838 f: 803.790.8841

  • Admin
    Shoaib Mehmood commented
    17 Apr, 2023 09:19am

    We have rolled out new dashboards to track the performance of your Staff, Client Intakes, and Financials which provide the views that you requested. To access, click on the Dashboard option from the top navigation and select the appropriate tab (Staff/Client/Financial). We are constantly adding new charts/metrics to these dashboards and would love to hear your feedback.

  • Kevin Bross commented
    3 Aug, 2022 03:02pm

    I would be great if this dashboard improvements included the ability to see client/project WIP as a widget, perhaps with the ability to drill down to individual clients/projects. This would partially encompass the other suggestion to include the option to see WIP on the client details page. Seems like a fundamental metric that should not require creating one or more reports.

  • Admin
    Shoaib Mehmood commented
    20 Sep, 2021 06:08am

    Thank you Michael for your extremely valuable feedback. You have raised some very valid points and few of these are already part of the roadmap.

    If you have any other suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at shoaib.mehmood@timesolv.com. We would love to hear your thoughts.