Feature Requests

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TimeSolv keeps reverting the "Re:" line of draft invoices to "Multiple Matters"

When I draft my invoices, sometimes I change the "Re:" line to something meaningful, e.g., "Maclaren draft." When I make subsequent edits to those invoices, TimeSolv changes the "Re:" line back to "Multiple Matters." I don't care what TimeSolv thinks the subject line of my draft invoice should be. I want my annotations left the way I made them.

  • Guest
  • May 2 2021
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All the time.

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  • Gigi Vita commented
    20 May, 2021 07:46pm

    The reason the Re line is returning to 'Multiple Matters' is because it's marked as a consolidated invoice and that is the default. If the matters weren't consolidated, the specific matter names would show.

    But perhaps the team can look at allowing that to be edited as an enhancement.