Feature Requests

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  • All suggestions are welcomed, and we appreciate your inputs to improve TimeSolv.
  • Each request goes through a rigorous process of prioritization. Features benefiting the majority of users receive higher priority.
  • Submitting a request to this portal does not guarantee that it will be implemented. For unique business needs, TimeSolv offers a paid fast-track option.

Group by Billable Type on the Time Entry screen

Much like other users, for my job, I need to track all my time as well as reach target daily quotas for billable work. It would be helpful if the time entry screen gave the option to either a) do a group by billable type [additional options, such as matter name would be helpful as well], or b) add a filter that can be utilized to just show documents that meet a certain category.

  • Guest
  • Apr 27 2021
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