Feature Requests

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Clarifying trust balance on invoices

I would like to see more clarity with trust balance on invoices.  Clients have told me they don't understand what they are seeing.  I think a label of "Amount Remaining in Trust" would really make a difference.

  • Guest
  • Sep 19 2019
  • Shipped
How often would you use this request?

on every invoice every month

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  • Admin
    Shoaib Mehmood commented
    21 Sep, 2020 06:49am

    Flexible Billing Template now has the option to specify a custom label for the Trust Balance field

  • Mary Rehm commented
    25 Jun, 2020 06:20pm

    With this change, I would ask that Trust balance be surfaced without having to pull a "balance due" by matter. This has also caused considerable confusion for our clients.

  • Admin
    Shoaib Mehmood commented
    5 Nov, 2019 01:32pm

    Planned to release in Mid of November