Feature Requests

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Improvements to Beta Reports

I run Time Entries for a particular date range for all of our personnel. We are on a bi-monthly invoice schedule, so the ranges are preset. First day to the 15 of the month, 16 of the month to the last day of the month. It would be nice to be able to save these as part of the bookmarks. It would require 24 individual book marks I know. Maybe not doable.

I download the report as an excel .xslm file. I then use macros to extract the person name and time entered for each date that gets downloaded into a separate spreadsheet. This spreadsheet

is what we use to generate the invoice for our client. Unfortunately we have to use this version that is highly formatted to their standards, hence we can't use any invoice templates in TimeSolv.

First change I would like to see addressed.

In the old report Professional was Last Name, First Name. There was a space after the comma.

In the new report the space after the comma is missing. Professional is now LastName,First Name. My macros require the space to be there.

Second request.

In the old report when you downloaded it to excel in cell B1 there was the last line that had the date range selected "From 06-01-2024 To 06-15-2024".

In the new report downloaded to excel this is missing. It looks like you removed entries in A1 and B1 and are just going with a header now. I guess I can adjust to not having the date range selected. We were using it to make sure the correct date range was pulled.

In the new report, C1 is missing a Title. I would think something like Date would be appropriate.

  • Guest
  • Jun 28 2024
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