Feature Requests

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Determine days outstanding in the Aged Invoices report from issue date rather than from due date

The former version of the Aged Invoices report determined the age of invoices as days from the date that an invoice was issued rather than as days from the date the invoice is due. Days from the issue date is a much more helpful metric because it provides better leverage in getting clients to pay...referencing days from the due date is not as helpful as the discussion usually devolves back to days from the issue date. The invoice date cuts to the chase right away. Is it feasible to give the user a menu-driven choice of days from issue date or days from due date?

  • Guest
  • Jun 12 2024
How often would you use this request?

I would use a days from issue date option every time I look at the Aged Invoices report (at least three times per week).

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